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Today's Football 2017-18 Season

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Rightly or wrongly most neutrals consider Spurs a bigger club than Everton and its been that way for quite some time.

Larger fanbase both domestically and abroad (probably the biggest in London tbh), similar trophy count (FA Cups were a huge deal back when they were winning them), more pulling power as a club in terms of signing players thus resulting in them having had considerably more 'glamour names' play for them over the years increasing their exposure.

Not to mention that they have been competing at top end of table for past few seasons as well as having champions league football during a period of time when the leagues popularity is growing at a mind boggling rate around the world.
When did they last win the first division trophy? And how many times have they won it? Prem bottlers as well..you a regular at the lane??
It’s weird that I still love seeing Saints fall apart even though I now live 200 miles away isn’t it?

So funny.
I threw into conversation that they could go down, Pompey could come up, and they could be playing eachother next season they other day.

I think it's what my kids call 'The Bantz'.
Rightly or wrongly most neutrals consider Spurs a bigger club than Everton and its been that way for quite some time.

Larger fanbase both domestically and abroad (probably the biggest in London tbh), similar trophy count (FA Cups were a huge deal back when they were winning them), more pulling power as a club in terms of signing players thus resulting in them having had considerably more 'glamour names' play for them over the years increasing their exposure.

Not to mention that they have been competing at top end of table for past few seasons as well as having champions league football during a period of time when the leagues popularity is growing at a mind boggling rate around the world.

Don't see how that can be the case to be honest given Arsenal are based there. I've had a season ticket for almost 20 years and can think of several occasions when Spurs have only brought the Lower Tier allocation of 1,800 and yet can only remember Arsenal doing it once (League Cup game). If Spurs fanbase was as big as some claim they would have always brought 3,000 regardless of how they were doing.

The FA Cup may have been prestigious years ago, but no where near as impressive as winning the league which we have done 9 times to their 2. No one under 60 can remember Spurs being the best team in the Country with their last title win being in 1961. They are historically a decent Cup team.

No doubting that they are comfortably perceived as a bigger club than us at this current moment and wouldn't argue against that with how much better they've been in the last 10 years.

Why can you never counter points or actually discuss anything normally ? Literally every time you see something which isn't rimming Everton you go straight to the strawman 'You're not an Evertonian' stance.

It would be mildly understandable if you were like 13 or something but i get the impression you're in your 50's or 60's which makes its utterly tragic that this far into life you still can't look at anything Everton related objectively.
Ha ha lad...see you in the Harlech before the WBA game then ?? I've seen it all from highs to lows and I don't like what we are now or indeed since 1988 ..yet still I am a season ticket holder...why? Because EFC are the nearest thing I have to a religion ..yes we are crap ATM ...your impressions are way off the mark..when did you start supporting my team ? Genuine question...
Don't see how that can be the case to be honest given Arsenal are based there. I've had a season ticket for almost 20 years and can think of several occasions when Spurs have only brought the Lower Tier allocation of 1,800 and yet can only remember Arsenal doing it once (League Cup game). If Spurs fanbase was as big as some claim they would have always brought 3,000 regardless of how they were doing.

It’s just based off my experience of living in London, both south and north of the Thames.

I come across far more Spurs fans than Arsenal fans and Spurs also had the largest waiting list on season tickets in the league. I believe a few years back it was estimated to be about 65,000 people in total applying for them which is pretty mental.

Ha ha lad...see you in the Harlech before the WBA game then ?? I've seen it all from highs to lows and I don't like what we are now or indeed since 1988 ..yet still I am a season ticket holder...why? Because EFC are the nearest thing I have to a religion ..yes we are crap ATM ...your impressions are way off the mark..when did you start supporting my team ? Genuine question...

Depends what you mean by support ? I guess you could say 85 but i was only 4 years old then but that was when i went to my first match as a child and probably the first example i can give of being an Everton fan. I was born in London and consider myself a Londoner but the majority of my family are from Liverpool or close by (Birkenhead, Wirral).

I understand this is like a religion to some but i purposely avoid ever getting to that level of worship towards my club because once you treat it like a religion its hard to look at anything objectively. I know some people aren't arsed about being objective towards their own club but being an Everton fan im well aware of what a lot of Liverpool fans are like... proper religious nutbags towards their team incapable of hearing a bad word said about them without lashing out, thus i try and avoid falling into that category.
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Loving Dele being the pantomime villian these days. Think he does as well.

Brilliant for us that he is getting his swagger back.

Two shocking decisions in our favour but the nailed on pen when Dele was pushed with both hands in the penalty area was conveniently glossed over.

Most amusing when the only thing opposition fans can criticise Kane for these days is that he is ugly. I'll take that. I'm sure he will as well.

I don't usually get into the 'size' debate. It is a bit pointless but for debate purposes i will just add that in the 60s (Woolwich) and 80s (Racists) got sub-10k crowds on occasion. We have never been that poorly supported.

We had crowds in excess of 50k in div 2 a few times.

Onwards and upwards. Got Hoof it to Carroll FC on Thursday.
I don't usually get into the 'size' debate. It is a bit pointless but for debate purposes i will just add that in the 60s (Woolwich) and 80s (Racists) got sub-10k crowds on occasion. We have never been that poorly supported.

We had crowds in excess of 50k in div 2 a few times.

Spurs obviously have a very big fanbase but I think it's exaggerated personally. Maybe it's because those who overrate it can see the potential after all those years of limited success, whereas Arsenal are a far bigger club and have often got the bigger crowds due to that success so as a neutral and not being based in London I can't see it in the same way.

It's unfair to use one off attendances by the way, the averages are what matter. Post War, Spurs' lowest average is lower than Arsenal's. Chelsea had some pathetic crowds so I can go along with the suggestion that Spurs have a bigger fanbase historically and before Abramovic came in. Arsenal and Spurs both had some very big crowds at a similar time in the late 40's/early 50's with Spurs averaging mid 50K as Champions.

Spurs now have a lot of potential to win trophies in the years to come, but they need to start winning the crunch games. Especially in Semi Finals and matches against rivals - e.g Arsenal and Chelsea away their record is pathetic.

On a different note, I'm enjoying seeing Southampton's fall. Would love them to go down after how dismissive and arrogant they were after a couple of decent seasons under Koeman. These things tend to go in cycles and smaller clubs like Southampton and West Ham delude themselves in to thinking that one or two seasons of coming 6th or 7th means they're going to keep that up for years to come. Doesn't seem to happen.

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