It's honestly madness. What are they meant to do to defend that? Are defenders not meant to make an attempt to play the ball because some little snide is going to run into their kick with no attempt at actually getting to the ball but just instead seeking to get kicked?Tell all your strikers to wait for a defender to clear the ball, put your foot in front of them when clearing it, wait for contact and dive
It's the second time Gordon has jumped into a player trying to kick the ball and won a penalty. Neither time was he actually attempting to play the ball or ever getting there.
Gordon has came from behind and wrapped his leg in front of him. Philips has gone for the ball, and doesn't even know Gordon is there. It's Gordon's fault!
They've been stitched up here with two very dodgy pens imoClassic Moyes
Very, very cynical for me.He put his foot in the way and was closer to the ball. If he hadn't have been vollied, he'd have the ball.
Seen plenty of similar ones that are given as pens