Up to the last minute now.. Bet the person doing the Twitter is dead excited hahahaArsenal doing a text commentary from that game at Anfield in 89.
Its nearly at the good bits!!!
Arsenal FC @Arsenal · 49s
Great challenge from O'Leary, #Arsenal really snapping into tackles as Liverpool enjoy a spell of pressure 0-0 (45) #Anfield89
sign him up
sign him up
Now I watch a lot of 'funny' footy videos on YouTube and that is the worst PENO I've ever ever seen.
got promoted with liverpool in the same season i think..pete.but hasnt that snooker guy still got something to do with them even now..think he ruined snooker myself for trying to make some sort of champions league out of the best 12 players or something didnt he..correct me if im wrong but i used to love the old timers before the so called superstars of today..ray reardon and that fella with the big glasses and that...Feeling sorry for Leyton Orient, remember them from 62/63 and may still have the programme somewhere. You blew it lads......