I think the closeness is why it got me. I'm usually quite a resilient and stoic individual, who gets on with stuff. Some people call me in many ways cold.
Where am I going with it? I have a friend who I've been close to for decades, and from the day we met there was a bond: I got her, and she got me.
She's always been my confidant and vice versa, and we could spend hours with each other. But it's always been platonic - I didn't think she saw me like that.
We went through a few difficult times, like in the series, where we fell out and didn't talk, but eventually we always end up talking again from time to time.
Anyway, one day I told her how I had always felt, and she said she'd always felt the same. We're both happily married now, so it's not a regret as such...
... but it doesn't stop you wondering from time to time. With reference again to the stoic bit, for me to even write all the above is itself out of character.
I tell everyone now to say how you feel and don't waste it.