That's true, but his pull in financial areas will be significantly stronger than Moshiri.
If Usmanov were knowingly involved with Everton, finance would be sorted.
I'm going to make a stab in the dark, all be it an educated one, and say that quite soon after planning permission is obtained ( if not before ) and the scope of the work is official, then the financing of the build will become public knowledge.
I'd also hazard a guess that, barring any unforeseen issues, the financing will just need a few i's dotted and a few t's crossed and, as a minimum, the fact that Moshiri and Usmanov are very closely linked, won't have done any harm in sorting the finances out.
I recognise that some Evertonians, especially those who perhaps would like to be more closely involved with running the club, would like the BoD to tell them more than what they are being told, but that isn't how the majority of big businesses work, so it's just tough.
All of the above comes purely from a great big dose of common sense, and a fair few years of being involved in a very small way in various projects in various industries, none of which involved building a stadium or financing a football club, but the principles are the same.
In summary, nice one Alisher for being indirectly involved in our club.