I know it will go down like a lead balloon on here but i'll ask anyway.
If you can sign to support this petition then it will be going a long way to support protecting the vaping industry. There is a vote today in the houses and if the tpd vote is to dismiss it then it could save lives.
The represcussions of the tpd is not just access to vaping, it will protect jobs, companies, it will actually support the government in taxes. It's not just about giving up smoking, but by supporting it you can save a life. The tpd will force people back into smoking and therefore sign a death sentence for every single one of them. It's not for your hipster cloud chasing friend, it's for every single person looking to quit smoking. For every person who can't quit cold Turkey and need something to help them.
If at least one person signs this today then cheers. For all those who are going to wum, feel free, just click the link, click sign and then let rip.