Nope wrong
As for voting, i never have and more than likely never will for 2 reasons.
1 because i feel most politicians are only in it for themselves and will never truly represent me, polictics is a complete joke in many ways.
And 2 ive yet to find any political party that accuratly respresents my views enough to want them in power.
A couple of comments on this.
You are not far off the mark when you say that most politicians are in it for themselves. And the few that weren't when they got into office probably changed over time to where they were looking out for number one first.
I'm not saying that all politcians are corrupt. But unfortunately, many are and do not represent the people that they were elected to represent. There are however, many honest politicians who do the job they were elected for without catering to special interest groups, lobbyists, etc... but they don't make the headlines.
As for not finding a political party that accurately represents your views, you'll never find one that truly represents ALL of your views but I'd hazard a guess that they're is a party out there that represents a majority of your views. That is the party you need to be voting for.
I say "need" to because I think many people take the idea or institution of voting for granted.
I always look at countries that are run by sole dictatorships or communists (China, North Korea, Cuba, several African countries) where the people have absolutely zero say in how their life is governed and am thankful that my country is not among those.
A democratic system/democracy isn't perfect. No governmental system is.
But it's the best one out there.
(EDIT: This comment was not geared towards any specific country but voting and democratic systems in general. Just to clear that up.)
(EDIT II: After reading this, I wanted to be sure that this wasn't construed as a knock on DBRG as he said he didn't vote. It's just my opinion that everyone should vote but certainly everyone also has the right not to vote. Obviously that could be thought of as a vote in an of itself but that's a whole different thread for different day. But I just wanted DBRG to know that because I felt people "needed" to vote wasn't me saying "You have to vote." Far from it.)