Is that just in Ireland?I only found out yesterday that cutting hedges between 1st March - 31st August is a considered a cross compliance breach and possible criminal offence.
I don't think that is enforced much.
I'm not sure. It was news to everyone i have told since then.Is that just in Ireland?
This Nicolas Rossi fella who’s being extradited from Scotland to the US sounds like and absolute loon.
Accused of a historic rape he was ID’d in hospital when admitted due to ‘Rona when his ‘distinctive’ tattoos were spotted. He’s claiming the tattoos were applied while unconscious in hospital as part of some US / UK fit up and in the mean time he whizzes around in an electric wheelchair despite assessments saying he has no medical reason or history to need one.
Is he handcuffed? An 11 year old boy accused of what would be white collar crime?
I wasn't sure if he was just handcuffed (which is bad enough) or if he had a chain attached to them around his waist also. But it seems over the top at any rate.Is he handcuffed? An 11 year old boy accused of what would be white collar crime?
Didn’t know where to post this… Thought it was quite touching:
Same here actually...My first thought is why did the human record instead of trying to help the kitten.
I have an over 30s footy team that plays in a 6 a side summer league.
I live in the States, originally from Huyton. On my team I have one guy from Cameroon, two from Nigeria, one from Turkey, and the rest are Yanks, mostly local but one from California.
The teenage daughter of my Goalie asks today where the guy with the accent is from.