Player Valuation: £90m
Thats crazy, and quiet scary.Hit a deer going a bit under 70mph last night (speed limit is 70mph). Hopefully (and likely), the poor thing died quickly. It was quite awful. My Subaru is 10yrs old and has 150k miles on it. It is likely unsalvageable, which means I'll only get like $4-5k from the insurance company, so I'll need to spend additional $$$ on another car. The airbags deployed with such force they scraped a bit of skin off the back of my hands as they exploded from the steering wheel, which means they worked as planned. Crazy thing is...my partner last week had her car totaled by a deer on the same interstate with the same result: unrepairable damage, scraped hands, and a very dead deer. We are both on the market for new cars.
I took pictures for insurance purposes. I can't figure out the "spoiler alert" function on GOT, so here is a picture in reduced size--sorry to freak anyone out. Crazy stuff: Mods, can you put this picture in a NSFW mode?
View attachment 146480
One of my mates is a freight train driver, he hit a cow once, train got stuck for three hours two of the carriages derailed!!