Seamus Colemole
Previously deathbyropeandglass
Given the cost of being a football fan now, what with tickets, Sky, Setanta etc. maybe the industry needs to wake up and realise that we're in a bloody recession. Stop fleecing people to pay the rediculous wages of players.
As usual they are not understanding the reason why people watch matches on the Internet. Lets face it the qualty is generally rubbish compared to watching it on tv so it can only come down to cost. Subscribing to Sky/Setanta is simply too expensive for many people and thousands are being priced out. If you trust the viewing figures on some feeds it gets up to tens of thousands of people that the Premier League could entice as customers if they had a product that wasn't as bloody expensive.
Lets say for instance that fans only wanted to watch their own clubs games. Wouldn't that be a whole lot cheaper than having to pay for every single one? Would you as a fan pay a couple of quid each game to watch it legally on your own tv? Bet you would. We live in an age of customisation and of companies having to give customers exactly what they want, not mass market distribution of the same product to everyone.
Perhaps its time for the Premier League to get real.
Everyone is pretty much spot on in this thread.
When big businesses talk about lost revenue from illegal downloads/streams etc they don't mean going bust and failing to pay the people at the bottom of the scale.
They mean seeing their obscene profits less than they were previous.
For years consumers in the music/film/football etc industries have been ripped off by companies trying to make as bigger profits as they can.
Now when the consumer takes from them they cry foul. Ignoring the fact the very thing they are complaining about could and pretty much should be used to increase the profits they are so keen on.
Maybe oneday they will pull their heads out of the asses and realise the internet is a tool which they can put to good use instead of fighting.
Its definatly getting better with online retail, itunes and the likes than previous years though.