Mainstream American Cinema is Western Mainstream Cinema. Your confusing the two. A multitude of International 'tradies' ply their craft to these films so generalising them all into the Guff section is rather harsh. Sure, Hollywood is American and there is a standard fare of utter Guff to choose from, but to put this film in the same basket as Beverly Hills Chiuaua or Enter the fist is just wrong.
I value your opinion, I just feel that Button was a great simple film. Beautifully shot, and told a tale of a man in reverse. Had it been done by Lee Chang Dong, or Jeunet would it have made it more palatable? If it had subtitles and a fractured take on reality would you have enjoyed it more?
What Im trying to get at, and have a good discussion on cinema in the process, is why you didnt like it. Or at least feel comfortable while you are watching it. What didnt it do for you? Apologies if I sounded rude, I just remember watching the film thinking, this is a great peice, well told, good pacing, solid perforrmances, right down to the make up and effects. Making Pitt look 17 at the end was a brilliant piece of skill by the DP and the make up team.