Woolly Blue
Player Valuation: £80m
Just so you know, @Prevenger17 is fuming right now.
My work here is done
Bye lads
*goes to park to eye up scantily clad ladies
Just so you know, @Prevenger17 is fuming right now.
with the angels now*Retires Toby
Ah right.
So he told you about negasaurus but didn't trust you to keep schtum about Toby ?
It's bad when your internet mates don't trust you.
I properly am.
What have you done to Brenda's head lol
**waves biscuit**It was a dangerous path that I trod,
Though posting no more will feel odd,
In this, my last post,
I must raise a toast,
To Woolly, the grassiest mod
With sadness, I leave this collective,
Like Neville, with less invective,
I make my last bow,
With the angels now,
Puts it all into perspective
Tommye, give up the photoshop you pipe
It was a dangerous path that I trod,
Though posting no more will feel odd,
In this, my last post,
I must raise a toast,
To Woolly, the grassiest mod
With sadness, I leave this collective,
Like Neville, with less invective,
I make my last bow,
With the angels now,
Puts it all into perspective
Tommye, give up the photoshop you pipe
It's a good call
We have a two stage plan for cleaning up GOT
1. Operation Transfer Rumour
2. Operation Multi Remove
ffs lad.What have you done to Brenda's head lol