Well, here I am.

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Hail Evertonia

Player Valuation: £150k
Why hello there new friends! I've spent the first half of my summer obsessing over soccer and the second half obsessing over Everton, and I've finally got up the nerve to join up on (what seems to me) the best Everton forum around. (y)

I figure you all got to the word "soccer" and rolled your eyes - "Here we go, another American." Fair enough; I am more than willing to honorably accept my place at the bottom of the supporter food chain.

Although one point of self defense: I didn't pick Everton because Timmy Howard or Landon Donovan - I keep my love for American players separate from my team love, if I didn't I'd be on a Borussia Monchengladbach forum instead of here. I'll spare you the long tale of how I did become a Toffee, except to say that I did so honorably. (i.e. NOT "hey man what epl team should I choose that is good and has Americans but isn't in the big 4? becuz I'm not a bandwagoner lol")

So now that's out of the way - introduction time!

Where about are you from?: Bay Area, California, but I currently live in Boston.
How did you find these forums?: Spending the last month reading everything I could possibly find about Everton, decided I liked this one best of the many fan forums.
How did you become an Evertonian?: Long and not very interesting story, but in the end, like any good fan, Everton chose me.
Your all-time favourite Everton player?: I'm not qualified to have a good answer yet, new fan that I am.
Your current favourite player?: Any Americans (come on Landon, sign!) and Fellaini
Pineapple on Pizza, Is it socially acceptable? What are your views?: Last summer in France, I learned that this is not normal in Europe. Man, you guys are missing out. Hawaiian pizza is delicious.

So that's the story... I'm a lifelong soccer player who, like so many Americans, suddenly realized during this World Cup that I want to be watching a whole lot more soccer. I promise to be a loyal lifelong Toffee, and to humbly accept my place as a less dedicated foreign fan. All I ask is that you let me into the family and teach me the Way of the Blues! :)

Woahh don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone has to start somewhere. Just because your foreign wouldn't make you less dedicated than some other fans. I know of many foreign fans who go out of their way to watch games, etc. You probably just still need to learn the ropes as a relatively new fan but you're part of the Evertonian family!

Welcome :)

Oh and I for one would like to hear your story, if you don't mind telling. I love hearing how people discover they are blue.
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you live in boston, man? so do I

theres a group called Boston Evertonians, on twitter fb even here.
you should join
Wow, thanks for all the quick welcomes! I feel rather loved. :)

Woahh don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone has to start somewhere. Just because your foreign wouldn't make you less dedicated than some other fans. I know of many foreign fans who go out of their way to watch games, etc. You probably just still need to learn the ropes as a relatively new fan but you're part of the Evertonian family!

Heh, guess I had my shields up for the notorious British EPL elitism. Besides, I have a pretty strong sense of sports honor, and there are few things worse than someone who randomly adopts a team and professes to be a "huge fan" and then spends more time bragging online than actually watching games. :dodgy: Thanks for the vote of confidence though; I'm excited to "learn the ropes" (it's why I'm here!)

As for my "story," as it were, I left it out for boringness reasons. But here goes, the long version...

For some background, I grew up in the Bay Area watching those teams and occasionally going to games. (49ers, Giants, Warriors, Sharks, and Clash/Quakes) When I was 15ish I got REALLY into the Sharks (that's hockey, FYI). I'm pretty certain I would have gotten into the Quakes as well, but conveniently, that was around when the MLS in their infinite wisdom hijacked our team to Texas. So much for my soccer fandom. (EPL and the other Euro leagues wasn't even on my radar.)

The first World Cup after my transformation into a real sports fan was 2006. Unfortunately I was in France at the time, which was super awesome, but I didn't get the chance to learn that some Americans actually do love soccer. I still don't know how big that World Cup was over here, so maybe it wouldn't have made a difference, who knows? In any case, my soccer love stayed hidden - although that I went to almost all my college's home games, which I don't really do for any other sport besides hockey.

Fast forward to this year. I'm sure don't have to explain to you how big the US National team was over here, what with the Confed Cup success and World Cup drama. I got swept up big time, and even when it ended for the US, I was spending pretty much all my time reading about soccer and watching highlights. I realized that the post-World Cup emptiness in my life could be filled by Euro soccer - specifically EPL, because I liked the playing style and had heard of many of the teams.

So: which team? My sports honor said I couldn't just choose one intellectually, it had to choose me. But I had to research first. Step one was learn about the league and how it worked. Step two was learn about all the teams - that took a while. I ruled out a couple bottom feeders (I don't mind some relegation, e.g. Newcastle, but in general I want to be watching Premier League quality soccer). I also ruled out ManU (I hate them irrationally; I think it's because of Ronaldo), Chelsea and City (you can't just purchase good players and call yourself a team, gross), and Arsenal (nothing against them, but every American I know who pretends to like soccer and doesn't actually watch it is an Arse fan).

Anyways, after reading a hundred "which EPL team should I choose" threads and the like, I found myself most attracted to Everton, Liverpool (I know, I know), Fulham, Newcastle, Bolton, Aston Villa, Tottenham, and West Ham.

Based solely on reading the internet, Liverpool actually sounds pretty good - "great fans", "loyal captain", "best theme song", etc etc. I also liked that they have a friendship with Borussia Monchengladbach, who I must root for because of an unhealthy obsession with Michael Bradley. Know how I was rescued from gobshitism? Well, I was watching youtube vids for all the teams, and I watched a YNWA rendition and I was like, "I guess that's kind of neat... what song is that anyways?" Tracked down the original - What. The. Eff. (I would link it, but I'm not allowed yet.)

Hold up, serious question: The "best anthem in sports" is seriously something an old woman sings, opera-style, in a terrible Rogers and Hammerstein musical? Really, people?

So fortunately that died. To make a long story slightly shorter, I DVRed all the replays of EPL games that were on Fox Sports Channel, watched 'em, and the only one where I was really invested in a team was Everton. (It was Landon's first game, vs. City. Awesomeness. Fellaini was a beast.) I had to admit to myself that I was committed for life. It remains to be seen how much time/energy I will have to invest, but rest assured that I do not take fandom lightly :D

To complete this already-too-long story, here are some of the little things that helped get me hooked on the Blues:
- Howard/Donovan/interest in Bradley. Like I said, I wasn't totally following my US fandom, but I do like that the team took a chance on some Yanks and I love how the fanbase embraced them.
- Moyes is the man. A shrewd manager makes a HUGE difference - I'd much rather discover hidden gems than sign big names, and I feel pretty secure about avoiding drama (a la Liverpool) in the future.
- The fans just seem ... better. There's a kind of quiet way Evertonians love their team with everything they have. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels very similar to my SJ Sharks - vastly underrated fanbases with a huge amount of dedication. In one of the threads I read while reasearching, the OP was clearly an annoying glory hunter fake fan, and one Evertonian responded, "Well, anyone but Everton. We don't need you here." I liked that - he/she felt no need to join the pissing contest that was going on there, because we know we're in the right place. b)
- The history. On a related note, does Liverpool know their precious stadium is really just our secondhand trash?
- Their place in the standings. I like how we are a damn good team, but it's an uphill battle every season, and I'm going to have to pay my dues as a fan for years before we get any silverware (if ever). Paradoxically, winning every year doesn't seem that fun to me - I want to accomplish something great.
- Ummm I'm sure I could go on for a long time (best logo! coolest players! youth academy!) but this is already a massive post so I'll stop there.

I'm planning on buying up some sweet Everton gear once I get my paycheck... trying to decide whether to chip for a jersey or wait for prices to come down. I'm betting the pink ones won't be too popular, and I kind of like them actually, so we'll see.

I did warn you guys it'd be a long and boring story if you let me get going. :P

Too long, didn't read: Always liked soccer, World Cup took over my life, learned about teams, watched some games, fell in love with Everton.

Oh and in case anyone is interested:
- I'm also slowly getting back into the Quakes, who came back to SJ in 2008. But dang, that banishment to Houston was brutal even for a super casual fan.
- The only other team I have some loyalty to is Bordeaux in Ligue 1, because I've spent time in that area of France.
- I will also root for whichever team Michael Bradley is on, always, unless he someday faces Everton or the Earthquakes.
you live in boston, man? so do I

theres a group called Boston Evertonians, on twitter fb even here.
you should join

Yeah, I found that group a week or so ago! Super excited. I live about a 10 minute walk from Central, so I'll try to make it to some games at the Phoenix Landing, when the insanity of my schedule permits.

Oh and ps - I'm female. But feel free to call me "man", "dude", etc. if you wish, I don't much care. :)

Yeah, I found that group a week or so ago! Super excited. I live about a 10 minute walk from Central, so I'll try to make it to some games at the Phoenix Landing, when the insanity of my schedule permits.

Oh and ps - I'm female. But feel free to call me "man", "dude", etc. if you wish, I don't much care. :)

We love our females on here. Reidy will be around soon to recruit you.

Oh, and of course, which Everton player do you think is the hottest?
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Wow, thanks for all the quick welcomes! I feel rather loved. :)

Heh, guess I had my shields up for the notorious British EPL elitism. Besides, I have a pretty strong sense of sports honor, and there are few things worse than someone who randomly adopts a team and professes to be a "huge fan" and then spends more time bragging online than actually watching games. :dodgy: Thanks for the vote of confidence though; I'm excited to "learn the ropes" (it's why I'm here!)

As for my "story," as it were, I left it out for boringness reasons. But here goes, the long version...

For some background, I grew up in the Bay Area watching those teams and occasionally going to games. (49ers, Giants, Warriors, Sharks, and Clash/Quakes) When I was 15ish I got REALLY into the Sharks (that's hockey, FYI). I'm pretty certain I would have gotten into the Quakes as well, but conveniently, that was around when the MLS in their infinite wisdom hijacked our team to Texas. So much for my soccer fandom. (EPL and the other Euro leagues wasn't even on my radar.)

The first World Cup after my transformation into a real sports fan was 2006. Unfortunately I was in France at the time, which was super awesome, but I didn't get the chance to learn that some Americans actually do love soccer. I still don't know how big that World Cup was over here, so maybe it wouldn't have made a difference, who knows? In any case, my soccer love stayed hidden - although that I went to almost all my college's home games, which I don't really do for any other sport besides hockey.

Fast forward to this year. I'm sure don't have to explain to you how big the US National team was over here, what with the Confed Cup success and World Cup drama. I got swept up big time, and even when it ended for the US, I was spending pretty much all my time reading about soccer and watching highlights. I realized that the post-World Cup emptiness in my life could be filled by Euro soccer - specifically EPL, because I liked the playing style and had heard of many of the teams.

So: which team? My sports honor said I couldn't just choose one intellectually, it had to choose me. But I had to research first. Step one was learn about the league and how it worked. Step two was learn about all the teams - that took a while. I ruled out a couple bottom feeders (I don't mind some relegation, e.g. Newcastle, but in general I want to be watching Premier League quality soccer). I also ruled out ManU (I hate them irrationally; I think it's because of Ronaldo), Chelsea and City (you can't just purchase good players and call yourself a team, gross), and Arsenal (nothing against them, but every American I know who pretends to like soccer and doesn't actually watch it is an Arse fan).

Anyways, after reading a hundred "which EPL team should I choose" threads and the like, I found myself most attracted to Everton, Liverpool (I know, I know), Fulham, Newcastle, Bolton, Aston Villa, Tottenham, and West Ham.

Based solely on reading the internet, Liverpool actually sounds pretty good - "great fans", "loyal captain", "best theme song", etc etc. I also liked that they have a friendship with Borussia Monchengladbach, who I must root for because of an unhealthy obsession with Michael Bradley. Know how I was rescued from gobshitism? Well, I was watching youtube vids for all the teams, and I watched a YNWA rendition and I was like, "I guess that's kind of neat... what song is that anyways?" Tracked down the original - What. The. Eff. (I would link it, but I'm not allowed yet.)

Hold up, serious question: The "best anthem in sports" is seriously something an old woman sings, opera-style, in a terrible Rogers and Hammerstein musical? Really, people?

So fortunately that died. To make a long story slightly shorter, I DVRed all the replays of EPL games that were on Fox Sports Channel, watched 'em, and the only one where I was really invested in a team was Everton. (It was Landon's first game, vs. City. Awesomeness. Fellaini was a beast.) I had to admit to myself that I was committed for life. It remains to be seen how much time/energy I will have to invest, but rest assured that I do not take fandom lightly :D

To complete this already-too-long story, here are some of the little things that helped get me hooked on the Blues:
- Howard/Donovan/interest in Bradley. Like I said, I wasn't totally following my US fandom, but I do like that the team took a chance on some Yanks and I love how the fanbase embraced them.
- Moyes is the man. A shrewd manager makes a HUGE difference - I'd much rather discover hidden gems than sign big names, and I feel pretty secure about avoiding drama (a la Liverpool) in the future.
- The fans just seem ... better. There's a kind of quiet way Evertonians love their team with everything they have. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels very similar to my SJ Sharks - vastly underrated fanbases with a huge amount of dedication. In one of the threads I read while reasearching, the OP was clearly an annoying glory hunter fake fan, and one Evertonian responded, "Well, anyone but Everton. We don't need you here." I liked that - he/she felt no need to join the pissing contest that was going on there, because we know we're in the right place. b)
- The history. On a related note, does Liverpool know their precious stadium is really just our secondhand trash?
- Their place in the standings. I like how we are a damn good team, but it's an uphill battle every season, and I'm going to have to pay my dues as a fan for years before we get any silverware (if ever). Paradoxically, winning every year doesn't seem that fun to me - I want to accomplish something great.
- Ummm I'm sure I could go on for a long time (best logo! coolest players! youth academy!) but this is already a massive post so I'll stop there.

I'm planning on buying up some sweet Everton gear once I get my paycheck... trying to decide whether to chip for a jersey or wait for prices to come down. I'm betting the pink ones won't be too popular, and I kind of like them actually, so we'll see.

I did warn you guys it'd be a long and boring story if you let me get going. :P

Too long, didn't read: Always liked soccer, World Cup took over my life, learned about teams, watched some games, fell in love with Everton.

Oh and in case anyone is interested:
- I'm also slowly getting back into the Quakes, who came back to SJ in 2008. But dang, that banishment to Houston was brutal even for a super casual fan.
- The only other team I have some loyalty to is Bordeaux in Ligue 1, because I've spent time in that area of France.
- I will also root for whichever team Michael Bradley is on, always, unless he someday faces Everton or the Earthquakes.

I went through pretty much the same thing last year. A lot of people don't know this, but I actually only started supporting Everton last summer. The first Everton game I ever saw was the MLS all star game last summer. But with the research I did and reading this forum for the first half of the season I really learned a lot about this club. So stick around and you'll learn all about the club and the fans that you wouldn't read on wikipedia and the likes. It's nice to have you.
Yeah, I found that group a week or so ago! Super excited. I live about a 10 minute walk from Central, so I'll try to make it to some games at the Phoenix Landing, when the insanity of my schedule permits.

Oh and ps - I'm female. But feel free to call me "man", "dude", etc. if you wish, I don't much care. :)

ha even better, ma'am (Ha! that sounds weird). i go to BU, so i'm kinda close to everything. i havent made it up to a game yet, but this year i will.

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