Absolutely baffling that you should point out someone's posts not making sense.attention seeking, yet you lot are talking about me when i'm not here.
Makes sense, like most of your posts.
Anyhow, as Ash says lets not make this about him, I'm just here to mock everyone and not single out individuals. So about these Vegetables and boats then.
It was one night I didn't mind sleeping in a shop doorway that.
He makes it all about himself, disappears to "eat a salad" then comes back to notifications replying to him or his name being mentioned then cry arses that people are making it about him.Anyhow, as Ash says lets not make this about him, I'm just here to mock everyone and not single out individuals. So about these Vegetables and boats then.
That doesn't make sense Ash.attention seeking, yet you lot are talking about me when i'm not here
That doesn't make sense Ash.
It's a forum, most of us log out from time to time but that doesn't mean there is a ban on replying to, quoting or mentioning other posters unless they're online.
It's not like you're being whispered about behind your back - it's all here in black and white.
Your missus plugged full of vargrants kinda has that effect I'm afraid.The poor fella that had to do Lidls windows in the morning looked less than impressed though.
Your missus plugged full of vargrants kinda has that effect I'm afraid.
Your missus plugged full of vargrants kinda has that effect I'm afraid.
It's not like you're being whispered about behind your back - it's all here in black and white.
She looked like she was playing a grubby version of kerplunk