Might be my favourite National tune that, and it's up against some stiff competition.Bloodbuzz Ohio,
I still owe money to the money, to the money I owe, I never thought about love when I thought about home
Might be my favourite National tune that, and it's up against some stiff competition.
Yep, great track. Green Gloves on Boxer is another one that knocks me out every time.Mistaken for Strangers just nicks it for me, though as you say, it's tough.
Yep, great track. Green Gloves on Boxer is another one that knocks me out every time.
It's Alligator for me. Probably cos it's the first album I heard, but they are a consistently excellent band, even going back to their early albums.Have to say I just love boxer full stop. Racing like a pro is strangely heartbreaking and Ada is just boss. It's the drumming which steals the show though.
It's Alligator for me. Probably cos it's the first album I heard, but they are a consistently excellent band, even going back to their early albums.
D'ye know, it took me ages to get into it. I wasn't sure at all, and one day it just clicked with me. Think it's fantastic.Have to say I've only listened to that once, which is criminal really as I reckon I'd love it.
What do you think to the newest one? Still good but felt very watered down to me.