I think this is the greatest Pet Shop Boys single ever. Ergo, one of the greatest pop singles of all time.
Seedy? Yes. But also fantastically romantic. I love you; You pay my rent: Love as a monetary transaction, the logical conclusion of Thatcherism. Yet, the true wonder of the song lies in the possibility of something more elevating. As there is no "because" between the central couplet's two sentences, there is still a glimmer of hope for true love, even if it is wedged between the lines, a mere crack in the wall of superficial artifice. In this relationship, as our lovers couple, "words mean so little and money less". Perhaps, just perhaps, there is one currency - that of love - that might not be traded at the stock exchange.
I couldn`t agree more.
The simplicity of the song, the fact that it`s just over three minutes, coupled with the ambiguity of the song title and lyrics, in relation to homosexuality and hetrosexuality and it`s just such a beautiful song.
I`d love to see them do it, with a full orchestra behind them, with a much longer version.
It`s not just my favourite Pet Shop Boys song, it`s also one of my all time favourite singles.