Wow! Just wow!
There's nothing like living in blissful ignorance right??! And by your own definition, I'm assuming you believe all Brits are knife wielding maniacs??
Being a Brit and having lived over here for 6 years now, I can tell you that (certainly in Texas) there are a lot of gun owners, but let's examine a few facts:
A Tale of Two Cities
Chicago, IL Houston, TX
Population 2.7 million 2.15 million
Median HH Income $38,600 $37,000
% African-American 38.9% 24%
% Hispanic 29.9% 44%
% Asian 5.5% 6%
% Non-Hispanic White 28.7% 26%
Pretty similar until you compare the following:
Chicago, IL Houston, TX
Concealed Carry gun law no yes
# of Gun Stores 0 184 - Dedicated gun stores plus 1500 - legal places to buy guns- Walmart, K-mart, sporting goods, etc.
Homicides, 2012 1,806 207
Homicides per 100K 38.4 9.6
All I'm saying is that gun ownership and easy access to guns does not necessarily yield the results one would expect. Obviously, Chicago does not have the ease of access that Houston has, yet significantly higher homicide rate.
In fact from wikipedia and the prior year (2011), UK is 653 ( I know we're not comparing like for like as it's cities and not countries, but I wonder how many of those 653 were committed in London??