Lets be honest here
The stadium naming name has been sorted from the day Moshiri "SOLD " "HIS" Arsenal shares to Usmanov
Its purely a way of putting loads of dodgy money into Everton TO MAKE US GREAT AGAIN
I can see a load of Corporate boxes being sold on long term leases for big money alongside big naming rights
The stadium is the only slightly legal way Usmanov has to put his money into Everton
You think the 30m for the right to bid for naming rights was dodgy ,You aint seen nothing yet
The stadium naming name has been sorted from the day Moshiri "SOLD " "HIS" Arsenal shares to Usmanov
Its purely a way of putting loads of dodgy money into Everton TO MAKE US GREAT AGAIN
I can see a load of Corporate boxes being sold on long term leases for big money alongside big naming rights
The stadium is the only slightly legal way Usmanov has to put his money into Everton
You think the 30m for the right to bid for naming rights was dodgy ,You aint seen nothing yet