My actual brothers are supporters of that shower and i would say in regular life they are grand. When it comes too football i cannot stand them. Talking football with them is like getting teeth pulled.International toffee fan from Singapore here. Had an intresting interaction with my Liverpool fan teacher a few days ago. When I told him that I supported Everton, he said that "We are brothers"
I know the rivalry used to be friendly but is that still a common sentiment?
My actual brothers are supporters of that shower and i would say in regular life they are grand. When it comes too football i cannot stand them. Talking football with them is like getting teeth pulled.
How can a sibling support the enemy lol I’ve never got it me, my sisters are all blue and if I had a brother he would be my dad woudnt of allowed anything else it was drummed into us Everton from a very very early age! He used to say “if I thought you was going to be a Liverpool supporter I’d of drowned you at birth” lol I get you dad
Splitting hairs not far from the Everton valley ......
your Dads spot on. I moved to the west coast of Ireland in the 90’s, both my lads were born there. Along with my total indoctrination they we’re sent home to there Grandads as often as possible for blue boot camps. We made sure they went to as many games as possible and were never left alone with any Red members of the family (a few reds have married into the family over the years).
As adults they have both moved to Liverpool and are mad Blues.
To give an idea how thorough I was when one of them had a birthday party I made a little lad change out of a Man United shirt before he could come into the party!
What are you two arguing about,post codes?
Don't think I could force my hypothetical future kids to support Everton. It'd be great if they did though, I've got loads of nephews who are all kopites and admittedly I would like to volley them everywhere sometimes lol
How can a sibling support the enemy lol I’ve never got it me, my sisters are all blue and if I had a brother he would be my dad woudnt of allowed anything else it was drummed into us Everton from a very very early age! He used to say “if I thought you was going to be a Liverpool supporter I’d of drowned you at birth” lol I get you dad
The truth is that they’re sound and almost normal people right up until the point they start talking about football at which point you want to punch them in the face.
With a bus.
Just before I snuff it I’m going to change my colours from blue to red, I’d rather a Liverpudlian died than an Evertonian.
My actual brothers are supporters of that shower and i would say in regular life they are grand. When it comes too football i cannot stand them. Talking football with them is like getting teeth pulled.
Quite a few of my mates are reds we are definitely not brothers though when it comes to football they hate Everton and I hate Liverpool.Best mate is a Red but we never talk football, Probably best because of our dislike for each others clubs.
how dare you bring rationality into this forumDepends on the parenting style I suppose. My brother started properly watching Football around the 98 world cup, so with the buzz around Michael Owen and the Argentina goal, that swung it for him and he was a red. Me and my Dad being blues didn't really make much of a difference, if you tell kids not to do something, sometimes they'll want to do it all the more.
At the end of the day, it's a rivalry. Controversial opinion but I don't think, as a people, Liverpool fans are any worse than any other set of fans. The reason for this is, I don’t think the Football club a person chooses to follow necessarily defines them as a person. I don’t believe it’s an associated ideology. I never grew up thinking United fans were better than others because they got success and we all didn’t. It was just the luck of the draw, and as we’ve already covered, most don’t even “choose” their Football club it’s just a loose affinity normally assigned by family at an early age.
Liverpool have got their far share of bells and they've got decent folk too who have followed them all their life. With success, the global number typically increases, which then prompts the conversation about whether these fans are somehow 'lesser' than local fans.
More importantly, it prompts the even bigger conversation about 'what success does to people'. City and Chelsea now arguably have a higher proportion of bells following them than they did 20 years ago for obvious reasons. When you win the lottery, you have people like Michael Carroll and you have those who become lovely, charitable people who just enjoy their new found lives.
'Nowt as queer as folk'.