Was in small Cheshire town this afternoon. Step out of car to see black leather skirt and hat disappearing out of view having got out of car next to mine.. Think "interesting" - a bit OTT for these parts. Skirt goes into hardware store (!!).. Five minutes later I am in the Cancer Research charity shop.. overhear conversation at desk.. look round to spot Skirt/Hat talking to man at desk.. something sounds strange.. take closer look, 50 year old (approx) man..
So yeah, strange outfit, strange person - and dirty filthy car as well.
* anyone interested to know where to find this person can pm me for details of the "small town".
There's a fella knocks really round Woolton, who wears similar gear, got long black hair and from the back looks every bit a woman - a transvestifrand.
He's a bit closer to home if you want me to fix you up ?