This is Urban Dictionary we are talking about. A possible reference for @Ashtonian to get his cryptic clues from maybe?
Was just thinking "Smith". It can't be Ijjy right?
If it's me I think we are all going to need an explanation for the Matrix bit!
Hope it's you then lol
If it is it calls into serious question his 'clever little one' claim...
I'm officially confused...not a clue by the way. Me heads turned to mush.
Still to be confirmed but we can't let a man who struggles with a hacksaw get the better of us all now can we.
Has he been looking up the meaning of everyones name on Urban Dictionary?!
Care to explain to the group how you knew ijjy was even a word?correct!
Agent smith, i.e the matrix agent.
It is
considering how long it took people to get the answer, and a second clue, very cleverAnd it was all in the name, ijjy to make mad and smith=matrix.
See above
It is confirmed haha
No, just yours
Actually was thinking of someone who had not been done yet and by chance i googled Ijjy and it came up with the urban dictionary definition
I actually thought you picked that name based on the explanation when i read it tbh, thought you would get it quite quickly
We can make one up. Yay!
No, just yours
Actually was thinking of someone who had not been done yet and by chance i googled Ijjy and it came up with the urban dictionary definition
I actually thought you picked that name based on the explanation when i read it tbh, thought you would get it quite quickly
considering how long it took people to get the answer, and a second clue, very cleverAnd it was all in the name, ijjy to make mad and smith=matrix.
Actually was thinking of someone who had not been done yet and by chance i googled Ijjy and it came up with the urban dictionary definition
I actually thought you picked that name based on the explanation when i read it tbh, thought you would get it quite quickly
Tramps mate?American police, sort of penurious types.
With an underscore?Tramps mate?
I get the smithy bit. But who in their right minds looks up ijjy??......oh yeah, I forgot who we're on about?
Nobody...and I mean nobody looks to see what an ijjy is. I see 4 letters, possibly initials.It was just that one haha just to see what Ijjy meant
Tramps mate?
Total guess...only the tramp bit made sense.Nope. Me clue for him was gonna be 'Jack Frost isn't, but Frosty Jack is'
Care to explain to the group how you knew ijjy was even a word?
Not really what I'd call clever. No one would ever get that just from general knowledge, and the whole game falls apart if we just resort to googling everyones name to get clues/answers, so it's afrom me I'm afraid!