Would you even need to put funds aside at this point? Surely you just need to mentally account for the full repayment needing to met, subject to the hope you could negotiate a better deal. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. Maybe TFG were unwilling to accept the debt at full value but maybe others would.
Regarding the legal / moral angle of where the money lent to us came from, again surely the worst case scenario is simply repaying the money which we would have to do regardless?
Ultimately this is a squabble between the creditors of our creditors so as long as we are willing to pay back whomever the court decides needs to be paid back I don’t see the reputational damage angle. No reasonable person would blame a new owner of a company for the sins of its own past let alone the sins of its creditors.
I think this issue is a convenient thing to blame and may well be part of the reason TFG have split but it doesn’t seem to me it’s ultimately so complex a willing bidder couldn’t get past it.