What was I thinking expecting us to get a consolation goal.
Sorry but ur wrong about Kean, if no one passes the ball forward how’s he gonna score? Rest are crap thoughDavek was right AGAIN Brands is a certified fraud this is a disgraceful, look at the state of his signings Iwobi, Bernard, Kean. Yikes.
He should stick to make satiric photos!You mean league two
What's the downside of forfeiting the final 3 mathes?
6 or 7 wouldnt have flattered Wolves.3-0 flatters us there.
really should be docked wages tbh for performances like this, Like going into an office job and just masturbating all day.
In awe of Iwobi's contribution since coming on
I still see no downsides here.I believe the team loses those games automatically 3-0.
So our goal difference would probably be better by forfeiting.
I don't know if fines etc. are applicable too though.