I like your honestyWordle 1,034 1/6
I actually did it in 3, but some glitch took me back to the start and I just put the right word in
#Worldle #818 (18.04.2024) 1/6 (100%)
Worldle - Guess the Country
nerdlegame 820 3/6
FOCLACH 794 - 2/6
I see why it would be many people's opening word. You're probably one of many thousands who got it in one today. Why not post every day rather than just when your opening word eventually gets picked? Show us how skilled you are compared to the rest of us mere mortalsWordle 1,035 1/6
time to find another word, 2nd time now, lights cigar.
We’ve got a family group chat where we put our daily scores and all have a basic knowledge of each others starting words, so couldn’t put it in there until this afternoon!I see why it would be many people's opening word. You're probably one of many thousands who got it in one today. Why not post every day rather than just when your opening word eventually gets picked? Show us how skilled you are compared to the rest of us mere mortals
No inconvenience caused, it's just nice to have more join in. I suppose my post did sound a bit sarcastic, sorry about that. I got it in one once myself (BIRCH) but I never start with a particular word. I usually come up with something relevant to what's in the news or on my mind. Didn't do me much good today though!We’ve got a family group chat where we put our daily scores and all have a basic knowledge of each others starting words, so couldn’t put it in there until this afternoon!
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
I might post again when Arose comes up !