One loaded question for them would have them umming and erring.
How is ruining other peoples evenings, some, most or maybe even all agree with your message going to stop governments or companies from what they are doing? We won't even get onto the other stunts that actually effect peoples lives.
They are attention seeking whores, that is all they are.
I have a novel idea, if you care passionately about this topic, then get a job at a alternative energy source company. Help build more solar panels, wind farms. Try to get people out of the comfort zone of fossil fuel usage. It will be a drop in the ocean but at least it will be a positive step instead of alienating the people you want to be targeting with your message.
Anyway, back to the Snooker. It is very annoying but I can't watch online, my VPN doesn't seem to allow it, although it used to. So only have the live (on channel) coverage on iPlayer. From what I have seen Allen looks in very, very good shape, both mentally and form wise.
Personally think that Vafei is barking up the wrong tree with his comments, maybe 10 years ago it would be a good path to go down, but I honestly don't believe O'Sullivan will care one jot what he is saying and would be shocked if there was even more than a shrug and 'whatever' when asked about his comments.