not until November he's not!He'll weigh about 20 stone by christmas with all that deep fried shiz up there, he seems too nice a guy as well to be subjected to the bile up there.
people forget he's only 29.
not until November he's not!He'll weigh about 20 stone by christmas with all that deep fried shiz up there, he seems too nice a guy as well to be subjected to the bile up there.
people forget he's only 29.
I've just in the last couple of days started to warm to the idea of him staying with us by all accounts he's looking fit and healthy and this will be the first full pre-season he's had with us since getting injured, there's even a chance we could see the 20 goal yak of old if differences are sorted out and his pre-season is full and solid.
not until November he's not!
Yeah but they start when they are born in Nigeria, so 1 means in your first year, so 29 means in your 29th.
He'll weigh about 20 stone by christmas with all that deep fried shiz up there, he seems too nice a guy as well to be subjected to the bile up there.
people forget he's only 29.
Oh aye, its the Scottish national fans who go round causing trouble. Bile indeed.
Can't dispute the deep frying obsession like.
Celtic hey? Good move for him. He'd score about 50 up there.
Just gonna get this out now. I want bendtner. I'm not even sorry about it.
7 goals in 51 games.