Considering this story was on this site 10 days ago, the people who posted it, Gaz and myself got slated for it rather than the site running it as a proper story. Its staggering that this is now presented as news here, you don't deserve some of your members, you get hot news and laugh at it shame on you, thats my opinion end of.
Sorry Monty, but this is bullshit.
You don't like it, then stop posting on here. I appreciate the news, I knew who you were, and was still skeptical. I don't recall any of myself, Danny or Lee ever insulting you.
You have to understand, the news goes up on NewsNow, and lets be frank, although Gaz appears to have been accurate, it is still yet to be complete, and FEB, you posted that they would be done deals in 24 hours.
The staff here do put a fair amount of work into this place, upgrading, testing, improving.....all so you (the collective you) have a place to discuss stuff like this. Remember, if you don't want to be part of this community, you don't have to.
So, think before you launch an attack on the people who run this site, unless it is genuinely warranted. The work that is done, mostly goes on under the scenes and is unappreciated most of the time.
And finally, lets not forget, we do this for free, on our own time. We have lives that we have to live as well. Families, crisis, work all get factored in.