at least looked up for it as did holgate, having keane between them is unbearable. don't think mina was anywhere near as bad as keane, its not even close, mina will still be a good player
We had that a few times last season and it was rubbish.Still think him and Zouma would have been the perfect partnership for us
What about the games then when Keane was dropped? He was pathetic least looked up for it as did holgate, having keane between them is unbearable. don't think mina was anywhere near as bad as keane, its not even close, mina will still be a good player
i wouldn't agree with thatWhat about the games then when Keane was dropped? He was pathetic then.
Thing is trying the three of them, they leave players thinking someone else has them
We had that a few times last season and it was rubbish.
Reality is we need 2 CBs as Mina is terrible, none of the three we have are good enough.
at least looked up for it as did holgate, having keane between them is unbearable. don't think mina was anywhere near as bad as keane, its not even close, mina will still be a good player
they were collectively crap, but to suggest mina was as bad as keane who produced the most inept CH performance I've ever seen at this level, simply isn't true. Mina is a good player and one we should keepHe looked about as up for it as I do when it comes to doing work round the house.
He was abysmal..... Like my work round the house!
Not one player can say they hit a 7/8 out of 10 tonight. Every single one of them was a 3/4/5 at a push
Thing is there mate is that holgate is cack.
they were collectively crap, but to suggest mina was as bad as keane who produced the most inept CH performance I've ever seen at this level, simply isn't true. Mina is a good player and one we should keep