The last few times my dad went with me, we would walk along Goodison road and he would always say, “it will seem strange not doing this walk anymore, when the ground closes wont it”? Going up to the main stand we would have to make regular stops ‘base camps’ i called them, as his legs were failing him. The. On what was to be his last visit, he seemed slower and I thought it was his legs, but I now believe he knew he wouldn't be going back there, so he was just drinking it all in, he did a huge amount of reminiscing about past games and past players that day and on the way back to his house, he said, “ I wont be going the match anymore lad, my legs hurt too much”.
That was more or less the day he gave up, and about four months later he passed away. While that might seem a depressing memory, for me it isn’t even in his late 80’s he got to go to every home game and that last day, being linked up to a back from the ground, he enjoyed it as he got to say his farewell to place that he loved and made sure all his children and grandkids loved.