Or Coleman against Bournemouth, or any number of individual events that make up a season. It's all part of itSo we're where we would have been if Muric and O'Shea didn't do us a favour on Saturday. Cool.
Or Coleman against Bournemouth, or any number of individual events that make up a season. It's all part of itSo we're where we would have been if Muric and O'Shea didn't do us a favour on Saturday. Cool.
Time to put aside our differences and go all in.Personally think Forest and Everton should seek legal advice together prrior to going into any appeal.
Make it known that are acting in conjunction to view all possible outcomes with further legal action, against the PL, a possibility.
Make this uncomfortable for the league as possible
The comments are doing my head in "what about City?" over and over again. Considering how long the documents were for our relatively simple cases, can you imagine having to put together a case around 100+ charges? I don't think some people live in the real world of just how much time and expertise that would take, especially as they clearly want City kicked out of the league so that Liverpool can win it every year, which is not a decision to be taken lightly as it has huge real world consequences
Just having a gander at the report, and they gave us a 5 point deduction. Took 2 off for double jeopardy and Ukraine war issues, then took another point off for cooperating.
Didn’t Forest get 2 off for cooperating?
I think the Commission acknowledged that, but argued that it was appropriate for our punishment to be higher because we breached twice rather than just once, like Forest.Comparing to see what Forest got in total (we have been over a similiar amount) both should have gotten 4.
This right here is the real outrage. That's the result of having a slap-dash process without a properly formalized, well-structured adjudication system. Having separate commissions for every single offense hearing is patently absurd.So they have had 4 separate hearings and each hearing has produced a different outcome points wise.
10 points original hearing
Appeal hearing changed to 6 points
Forest hearing 4 points
Our second hearing 2 points
What the heck is this about? What a farce...
Remarkably, the written reasons revealed that this was not the end of the case against Everton following a dispute between them and the Premier League about the scale of their breach, which the latter asserted was almost £23.2m.
The commission said the additional £6.56m would be considered “at a later time” and that “a further hearing will follow”, suggesting the outstanding matter would not be resolved before the end of the season.
It added: “The commission is acutely aware that there are many stakeholders – to name some: the PL, Everton, the Everton fans, all other Premier League clubs, the public – interested in the speedy determination of these disciplinary proceedings. Nevertheless, in fairness to the parties in these proceedings, the commission decided that the issues which remain cannot be dealt with in accordance with the timetable set out in the Standard Directions. The Standard Directions will not, therefore, apply to the remaining issues.”
Premier League season in chaos as Everton face further points deduction
The Premier League relegation fight has been thrown into chaos as an ongoing investigation threatening a further Everton points deduction will extend beyond this season.www.telegraph.co.uk
Definitely shouldn’t be getting any points back, otherwise that’s a definite middle finger directed in our direction?!?
£6.56million. that's Salah's monthly wage!What the heck is this about? What a farce...
Remarkably, the written reasons revealed that this was not the end of the case against Everton following a dispute between them and the Premier League about the scale of their breach, which the latter asserted was almost £23.2m.
The commission said the additional £6.56m would be considered “at a later time” and that “a further hearing will follow”, suggesting the outstanding matter would not be resolved before the end of the season.
It added: “The commission is acutely aware that there are many stakeholders – to name some: the PL, Everton, the Everton fans, all other Premier League clubs, the public – interested in the speedy determination of these disciplinary proceedings. Nevertheless, in fairness to the parties in these proceedings, the commission decided that the issues which remain cannot be dealt with in accordance with the timetable set out in the Standard Directions. The Standard Directions will not, therefore, apply to the remaining issues.”
Premier League season in chaos as Everton face further points deduction
The Premier League relegation fight has been thrown into chaos as an ongoing investigation threatening a further Everton points deduction will extend beyond this season.www.telegraph.co.uk
What I want to know is why we don't have Echo Journalists ringing up DBB asking her why she's been paid millions of quid to resign in shame after steering the club towards a deduction of 8 points.
They should be chasing down every one of those board members for comment.
I think the Commission acknowledged that, but argued that it was appropriate for our punishment to be higher because we breached twice rather than just once, like Forest.
Basically like if a friend and I both get speeding tickets with £100 fines attached, when I went 15 miles over the limit and he was 30 miles over. But then I come around and do it again, 15 miles over again, I'd still get a second £100 fine, even though we both "went over" by the same amount in total when looking at every offense combined. I mean, the logic does make sense.
This right here is the real outrage. That's the result of having a slap-dash process without a properly formalized, well-structured adjudication system. Having separate commissions for every single offense hearing is patently absurd.
Definitely shouldn’t be getting any points back, otherwise that’s a definite middle finger directed in our direction?!?
Prenno’s bitches that’s why.What I want to know is why we don't have Echo Journalists ringing up DBB asking her why she's been paid millions of quid to resign in shame after steering the club towards a deduction of 8 points.
They should be chasing down every one of those board members for comment.