Email from the club says sections 118-119Any word on what section Blues will be sitting in Atlanta? All very vague, no info anywhere.
Cheers! I dunno how I get emails for test events at BMD but no email about this.Email from the club says sections 118-119
Have you got a season ticket ? they’re sending pre-sale codes tomorrow, but I also registered interest through the Premier League appCheers! I dunno how I get emails for test events at BMD but no email about this.
No mate live over here in Floriduh … registered with PL and have me Everton membership. Will keep my eyes open fingers crossed they send me the pre sale code.Have you got a season ticket ? they’re sending pre-sale codes tomorrow, but I also registered interest through the Premier League app
Everton fans are in section 129.Anyone know the seating location to target for NJ @ MET Life?
Sections 119-121How about Chicago re Everton fans?