O'Brien is doing a great job at RB under the circumstances and he's defo the best player we have in that position at the moment.
However, he's not the answer for us at RB.
He can certainly tidy up there and play out from that position, but if you look at him closely he doesn't get out and close down wingers on that side, he leaves that up to Lindstrom. In fact, he's pretty ineffectual at challenging near the box when he's facing up to an attacker over there (in the box I applaud that because he rightly sees danger in a big frame like his being turned easily or a savvy winger falling over one of those long legs of his) but outside of it he should be tackling.
I also dont think he's a great option in getting down the line and whipping balls into the box. Neither is Mykolenko and we haven't had a creative FB option since Coleman was fully fit.
I give him 9/10 for impact since he came into the team, but this lad is a CB all day long. And I think he can be a Stones type ball carrier...though not under Moyes.
Destined for a very big club in a couple of years time.