skimbop, we will be sporadically deleting 'inactive' accounts, typically these are accounts that haven't been logged into for over 12 months or haven't made a single post. If you wish for your account to remain on GrandOldTeam, please consider making a post. Thank you.
I'm a lurker being forced from the shadows, I guess. I really enjoy reading this forum and do so daily. Have been for years now. I just haven't ever felt like I had much to contribute to the conversation. So I don't. That may change in the future, but for now having the account keeps track of my place in threads and allows me to ignore some of the more... tedious... content. Please don't delete me!
Since I've come this far already... as for me, I'm an American in my mid-30s. Been following Everton since the 2014/2015 season when, desperate to fill the gaping hole in my life left by yet another World Cup ending, I learned that NBC was airing the Premier League over here. I watched a couple of games opening weekend, but once I saw Everton (2-2 v a (I believe) new promoted Leicester) something just clicked, and I've watched nearly every minute played since. Got my wife on board too. And my 3 year old son is coming along nicely.
All-time favorite Everton player: Steven Naismith. Fight me.