Every single one of his Instagram posts are images of himself. Absolutely mental.
But if people are that fussed about what ludicrously wealthy young men post, they probably shouldn't check social media.I honestly don’t think anyone cares, about him having a high Bank balance.
The photo is eerily similar to when Lescott put a photo of his car out. Totally misjudging the mood music.
not really the season has finished, wasn't the Lescott thing straight after the match?!I honestly don’t think anyone cares, about him having a high Bank balance.
The photo is eerily similar to when Lescott put a photo of his car out. Totally misjudging the mood music.
He looks as stupid as he does poor at football.
blokes had a big money move and epically failed at delivering anything whatsoever. A complete failure.
Then he posts pics of his rolls royce and private flight with labels dripping off him.
Whole world struggling with job loses and this idiot doesn’t have the brain power to keep things on the down low.
youd think after that failure of a season on his behalf he’d be slightly embarrassed?
It's proper weird. (the reaction)Not sure he's arsed at all what you think of him.
Not sure why you're so arsed about a guy going on holiday either.
Not sure he's arsed at all what you think of him.
Not sure why you're so arsed about a guy going on holiday either.
Isn't everybodies?
To be honest if people are upset by people "flaunting their wealth" then they probably shouldn't follow famous people in the first place.