Homepage Article Brands Renews Contract

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If I could get into Finch Farm I'd put this on his table.

I’m not 100% in agreement on extending but he seriously needs to buck up this summer and get us the right players on the right deals otherwise it’ll be a giant waste of time

Not over the moon but not gutted. Iwobi and Delph are his 2 huge failings in my eyes. Golf Courses all over Liverpool will be made up tho. His signings since Carlo have been good, even King who we can part with at the end of the season with no cost.

Bit worrying Kenwright still has input in the running of the club tho.
I agree. It certainly wasnt everyone though.

Christ on a bike do you take everything literally? If we signed Messi some people would be moaning about sell on values. We have some supporters who think we can get someone better than Ancelotti managing us.

All is saving me from typing 83.24% would have been upset and of the remainder, 8.35% of those you wouldn't listen to anyway as they're muppets etc.

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