Myra the Dog

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Dog of war
Are they not the same. All I know is I got chased by a few of them when I was younger.
No, Belgians tend to be slimmer and darker, GSDs are a bit stockier and the show dog lines (traditional Black and Tan) have sloppy backs, working dog GSD lines are darker like Belgians but still stocky with square backs. Both big and would hurt if they bit you (it would hurt if they trod on your foot to be honest).
Don't understand the fascination, it's inconsequential...could have been a f'in iguana, for all it matters. All credit belongs to the fans.

https://www.[Publication is blacklisted]/static/uploads/6/2022/05/evertonfans2-1024x703.jpg
It just added to the day . I don’t see the problem at all . Not many iguanas down city road either tbf .

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