It might upset a few people. The only name I thought about changing to was "The Spaniard", but that just sounds ****. If I leave it, in about 20 years time it'll be cool to have a retro name.
I'll be honest lad, i'm glad it's you, not me. The only possible advice I could give is, move on. But that's not really an option, and there's a reason you shouldn't listen to me. Don't worry about being awkward, you sound like the American version of me mate. It's not necessarily a bad thing I find, but a bit of confidence never goes amiss.
And this girl.....gahhhh. All JD's telltale signs are there, but i'm massively confused about it all. (We are literally the same person aren't we?)
As for Everton, I physically cant watch them. My job means I have to work pretty much every Saturday and Sunday, which is a real pain in the arse. Why cant life be simple?