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  • Ahh maybe, or perhaps thats the date they uploaded them onto spotify? You'll have to use my monster post to work out the order!! I may have an Oasis day tomorrow in honour of it! I may even start now!!
    Ahh yes, you do. The band of my childhood. They were untouchable at their peak, shame it doesn't really seem that now. The first 3 albums are absolute class & the B side album, make sure you give that a listen. I'd send you a copy of each album if you weren't a billion miles away! FFS
    Same here pal. I'm mostly listening to music from last year it seems! 2010 was a top top year for me, musically speaking
    corrr, its dark in here Spike, put a light on!

    I like it mind

    You're selection of music in 2011 is a joy to see my friend!!!!
    I think you tried to send me a PM but my inbox was full because my gold ran out. Your inbox is full too, and I'm going to hazard a guess that it's for the same reason.

    Anyway, what's up dude?
    Thanks pal. Just had a look myself, have you noticed I was even not using capitals to be trendy? What a guy.

    You're quite funny as well at times. Not all the time, but at times.
    Was gonna say hi to you here but this is truly hellish for the eyes mate. You don't even get a hello now.

    Yes mate, they're all on it. Boston were sensational in the first period though.

    Sets it up nicely for a decider this.
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