little curly alan ball

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  • sound mate, he usually calls at around 9am. if not i'll give u a call. could even come tuesday mornin but would obviously need to have the tickets booked for re printing by tomorrow! cheers lad, take care
    I am simply horrible at saying the right thing ...more a demonstrative type so..... I am there holding your hand in spirit.
    No doubt all of GOT is sending positive vibes.

    *blows kiss
    Look at you.....asking if I (and apparently many others) am okay. You're a good man. Hard to find, those.

    Since you asked... too much crap going on for a mere 24 hour day.

    How you doing?
    I'm doing fine bud! Just incredibly busy at work and in life right now, so don't get home until pretty late... Thanks for askin'. :)
    Sorry mate, little slow on the uptake Sunday Afternoon like.

    my email is

    email me your details, or youll have to wait till next Thurs!!

    Oh and your adress for this programme, it sure aint going to mail itself!

    Haha Soft-Arse!! you be the phenomenom, brother!!
    I need a ticket lerd for Sat 16th April 15:00 H Blackburn. I know its a long way off and the seat next to me is normally free. I could try and book it myself, but ive heard your the Man to see about these things.

    Is this something you could help me with?

    cheers lid

    And empty your PMs!!

    Ask Danny to increase your size, I bet you get stalked something rotten.
    Stand on ME....

    Taps nose, : HIT CHEST ,......

    Vero, Sempre.....

    Tried to speak like you dawg... not sure it worked... Cheers have a good weekend COYB!!!!!
    Hey Gramps. You the best.

    Keep up the good work while THT has to take care of that kiddo.

    This is a promise I will be in Liverpool within the next 2 years........

    Sit on me.
    need you online mate, need some more numbers/codes etc, before 4oclock, if not i'll have to do it FIRSTthing monday morning


    And then delete that **** dude!

    gidday Chief,

    just been down le bank and it would cost $30 to put $50 in.

    They tell me i can do it on my phone, but i need you to tell me what branch, and those numbers you gave, i cant work out which is your account number and which is the branch number.

    thanks mate
    THAT was my point . She shall be absent for a time , thus will do it early . As per last time . No worries . Think its more than £30 but saying that Arsenal is £33 while Lpool was £45 ..!!

    Who the fuk knows kid ??

    Ill be in Dutch ... SEE WTF I DID THERE , btw ??? IM FUKN HOT RIGHT NOW ALL RIGHT !!!

    Hahaha .

    Later , Guido , lid .
    Already sent you the money, yesterday evening.

    Think it will be in your account by Friday/Saturday.

    Was 65GBP, as Spurs sold their away allocation at Magpies for 30GBP for adults. If they prove to be more expensive I'll make up the deficit.

    Seats at West Ham were great. Front line, about 5 meter left of the goalposts. Could almost touch Timmy Howard. Also the anti-England abuse towards Green in the second half was superb to hear.
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