little curly alan ball

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  • Yeh no problem mate, you watch away mate, i might watch a little bit, your not supposed to have two watchin at the same time, but if it says anything just refresh it and carry on watching. I prob wnt end up watching though mate so it's all yours!
    How many, really only a 4 seater. if theres two. No probs.... sports car an all that [Poor language removed]. How much is the ticket mate.
    Yeah I'm ok, thanks. Moved back north, overwhelming couple months & all that. Thx for checking in. More importantly, how are YOU? Been thinking of you, how's it looking? Best wishes. My thoughts are with you, Sir LCAB.

    Btw, this season has just been so frustrating. Seems like everytime I check up on 'em I end up disappointed. What's up, where are going O' Oracle? Thoughts....enlightenment for us lay folk??
    Gday cocka, tried to send you a long PM but got rejected...


    I suppose I owe you some $$$$, so let me know how I can get that to you!

    And the gift for Naomi youre organising is fantastic! Your a Champion mate, no higher Praise can be afforded on your bountiful scone.

    I couldnt do the last test, I've been pulled from pillar to post these holidays, and now just settling for some well needed RnR. Will be headed down soon, so I'll score you a Programme mate.

    Hope you've had a great Chrissy, and all the very, very best for your new year.

    LCABizzzzle in 2011!!!

    Cheers mate!
    Course mate, i got it on now for the Wigan - Newcastle game but i'm going out now so if you want to use it now to watch the footy be my guest. It should work on your laptop, i'm allowed to have it on four separate laptops and i've only got it on 3 so far, so it should work on yours, any problems let me know.
    Hey mate, got a hold of the new Kanye Album, diggin it! Best song "Runaway", in love with it. Great recommendation!
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