little curly alan ball

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  • They are fukd up mate. The snides see the word "Source" in the title and jump all over the thread.

    No I havent been tellin my mates
    i did mate, i try'd to call you back but it rang out. No joy at the moment mate. but if anything comes up i'll let you know..
    Did enjoy it... he reminds me of Jo - with pace and more physical robustness. We're certainly getting there. Preston worked very very hard off the ball first half and basically we wore them down....

    Loving the strength in depth there matey (y).

    Feelin much better today. Waiting on the highlights on EvertonTV now.

    Hope you had a good day. Am drivin over the Norwich. God I've missed Everton this summer!
    ANO !!!

    Ive Bigged You up in the thread , kid .

    Bask , kid , bask . You earned that one .

    I also fancied a goal from him , mind , but this one is ALL YOURS , cocka .
    I love it when a plan comes together...

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