Matt Damon
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  • T
    did you get in touch with the echo.? ifso didthey tell you about the interview with mikel there going to run tomorrow and what he said .or refused to say //// the little ****s away
    hey soft lad put ye number up here i will show you whos a blert .if you know someone at the echo i will find out who you r . all i have dun is pass info on about a player and had the piss taken out of me. i said allong it had nothing to do with his son so why r man city now lincked with him. phone the head of sport at the echo after ten in the morning and ask him were he got his info from.ask him about the red [Poor language removed] which one person he knows hates them more than any one .so put ye number up and i will tell you all ye need to know ok matt
    Damo ya wet wipe get on ya rallying ya troops like there your mates you've worked out a miracle there fella only time will tell if the Info which was posted turns out to be correct no ones trying to wind anyone up u just can't handle it the fact people know he wants to move on it's a kept secret but it will be up to the club now too see if they can keep him an believe me u don't want him to stay anymore than me . I think he will stay but he 100% told the manager an chairman he felt stale and wanted to move on
    I would never say you were a blert mate. You're a valued poster on here, who causes no trouble. People target you because of your slightly obsessive behaviour at times. Just like people target me because I'm rarely serious.
    If he or anyone else is annoying or upsetting you? Report them and or put them on ignore.
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