Matt Damon
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  • I've been genuinely disappointed with the level of responses on here the back few days to be honest, despite being at my most antagonistic I've been too easy.

    This place needs to shape up man.
    This is me man, I'm educating the masses on the great tyranny of England.

    You all should be thanking me.
    It's ironic that got posted mate, its from UFC Ultimate Fighter: USA v UK. My mate had downloaded it and weve been watching it all week, the two coaches fight at the end and that's them in the ring. Seems like the UK coach didn't fare too well then.
    He's guerilla man, the most dangerous type.

    I hope you too find a truce as the popcorn will flow.
    There's weirdoes out there in that there internet mate. Hence the misinformation and stuff on here.

    I live a boring, sterile life in all fairness. I'm not the man you're looking for. That Danny lid is well Special Services potential if you ask me x
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