Matt Damon
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  • No but I've been to several former communist countries..........

    And well Davek's a communist in sheeps clothing.

    *puts popcorn in microwave
    I only eat salted popcorn mate, no butter or any of that [Poor language removed].

    I'm at my perfect goading weight.
    He's a massively great debater/goader though.

    And that gets you a lot of gravity around these parts.
    Pfft. I was climbing up the ropes there ready for the final launch, including somersault, and pin. You were on your back snoozing lid.

    The k-dawg is a forum phenomenon now, we don't quite know how he made us love him so with his anti club agenda but damn it worked.
    Hello Matty, The post LCAB made about all the new contracts was in the VIP forum for forum supporters only, so don't get mad at the people who never saw it.
    I shouldn't take great delight in watching my family and mates wallowing around in despair at what's happening there lid but let's be honest, it's f*cking great.
    Pah. Cheers for that, the page has been took down now so I miss my handywork.

    For once, that was me like. What a ridiculous article though.
    Love how you throw the word Wool around like an insult, im wool and proud lad.

    You sadly are an utter weapon and it hurts you deep inside, just like that Uncle used too, nevermind.
    Your assumption that I give a [Poor language removed] is very much misguided, Weapon.
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