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  • Waiting for missus to get ready so hopped on internet in Hotel lobby for a sec . Weather here has been cracking the flags how about Jutland ? Went and scored some shitty red leb from some biker type roidhead in Christiana this morning . Just gonna go and smoke some now . Off to Stockholm on the all nighter tomorrow .
    Mmmm. What I miss the most, is actually skinning up, and then that first drag and the whiff of the aroma.

    You know me so well. The girls have gone the youth club and my son is watching tele!! So little sneaky 1 in the back. :(
    Cant afford any reallife beef at the moment, would have loved to have met him as well, but I will put my kids before some petty internet arguement. Muhahahah.

    3-5 days the dude said, but my brief is on holiday for a week and everybody else at her office is useless, so might have to wait till next week, think she is back Wednesday. Or they might write to me before then.
    It doesnt even matter, if been to West Kirkby me. Nails fricking nails I am.
    Yeah mate, all good thanks. Some1 will sign tomorrow, feel it in my bones.

    Hes been lerd. Bloody hurt like hell giving the blood. And he cut my hair of my chest, my poor little rug.
    Right, going for a shower mate, hopefully my shower gel will cleanse my hair before they take it. :D:D:D. Now how do I cleanse my blood, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    Back soon lerd. DYING FOR A JOINT!
    Im just scared really. I mean what sort of person am I? Ive smoked it since I was 14, everyday. Ive never not been stoned. What will I become!!!!!!!
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