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  • Oh im more than aware they dont agree with my view. Because its not a socially accepted view. Little story..

    My mate, same age as me. Having murder with his missus, over various things, one of them is the fact that he smokes weed. She used to smoke it with us back in the day, but she has "grown up" now and doesnt think my mate should smoke it.

    So she tells my mates parents that they might split up cos hes a pothead. The parents hit the roof, hes been disowned. They think hes some smackhead.

    ******* joke.

    I hate the way it is, im fairly anti-drink because of how 1 sided it all is.
    See thats not the route I want to go down, that pisses me off. I smoke weed so im seen as BAD, but if I was a drinker I would be seen as normal. Pisses me off, it really does.

    No pot head is ever gonna get smashed and start fights, run somebody over or be a total cockface. But because booze is socially accepted its alright.

    Winds me up that [Poor language removed]. What I do to my own body is up to me. My habit doesnt bother anybody but me.
    Well as long as I can turn up to court in October and say test me anytime you want, I aint touched it for weeks, im hoping that will do them.........

    I am what I am. It doesnt effect me being a parent, in my eyes anyway.
    Drug test today lerd, just got a phone call!!! They are coming out to the house, fuming here....................
    Thanks for the heads up regarding the Swedish police mate . Its a good thing to know as regarding sneaking a small stash over the border . I tried that a couple of years ago going into Switzerland from France on the train and ended up getting the third degree off the biggiest [Poor language removed] customs official in Western Europe who discovered my green . He nearly had a seizure the soft cnut !
    Whatever you do this summer have a good one mate !
    Peace brother
    Sing my song puff allnight long as I take hits from the bong . Yes mate ive heard about that place and its on my hit list . Gonna get the train from Copenhagen to Stockholm then up north we go into real clampet territory !
    On a small tour for 15 days . The plan was to make it to Tromso in northern norway via Stockholm but ive just been looking how expensive it is up there and I am now having serious reservations .
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