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  • Running out to be fair and its looking bleak for more, really need to quit this shizzle.

    Got really bad toothache as well and I dont have a dentist, not happy here.
    The drugs dont work, they just make it worse, thats why im on the skunk again.
    Oh, now thats out of bloody order. Ghost and Cal got me banned, im a mother humping saint you horrid little pipsqueak.

    Oh and I havent see somebody for a few days, do you think they have crashed and burnt?????
    Just nearly killed my PC lid, took it apart to clean it up and couldnt get something back in right, took me nearly 2 hours to work the stupid thing out...............

    Not doing that again!!
    Yea I read, unlucky lerd.

    I nearly tripped on the hoover wire before, the family found it funny. Clowns.
    Was alright mate, not bad at all, time went really quick. Got Home about 1.30, so had a little lie in this morning. And I got some drunken sex. I wasnt drunk, but she was, so its just a case of "Smash me".

    Been busy today with housework!!!!!
    Yes but if you arrive late, your expected to stay late, now she is in a mood cos I had a go at her over taking so long. Women, sigh.
    Thats only if we ever get out, my g.f takes the piss getting ready, we should have been there 20minutes ago, she reckons another hour at least till shes ready. Joke lid, joke.
    You aint big enough to walk in my shoes, it takes a great man to even put them on and as much as I like you mate, your not even close to me.

    Now I expect you to be good tonight, im off out, some stupid family party, taking the lids and not drinking, because im driving, so people will be saying, "Cheer up will you its a party", whilst they drink and dont have 3 kids running around to keep their eyes on.

    Such a happy [Poor language removed] me sometimes I swear.
    Yes, sorry, it came out all wrong, it was a silly question because it would be The Mout clearly. As much as Lecotts footballing skills impress me, The Mout has the talent and the looks.
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