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  • I've had one put down too but i was quite young at the time so it was hard to understand as much as i do now.

    We've got 2 and they are great, sisters they are.
    My cat is called Tinkerbell, so we mainly call her winkles. Sad yes, never tell anybody, im all ******* man me.
    The big C, they can put a man on the moon, they can make cameras to stick up peoples arses, but they cant cure that little ****er.

    RIP the little pussywink.
    too true, mik. at least we get to chill out, that's worth something, mate. off for a beer lad. trying to cut down on the booze bit it's singing me
    Unlucky mate, its **** at the moment, we just gonna have to ride out this ****ty storm.
    The mockneys where class with us, extended their hands, even the mancs we saw said well done at the end.

    Everybody loves us mate.

    The poor girl prbs got her tits rubbed at the end. Poor Cal.
    Yea me too mate, that why i was crying, ******* sawdust of that wemberly, thanks for excuse mate.
    Its a day I will never forget, win lose or draw, you dont forget going to Wembley EVER. I hope we bum rape the **** out of them.

    I will think of you mate and have a drink in your honour.
    I aint going looking for beef, but if they wanna bring beef, I swear I will corned beef them. Little ****ers.

    Thanks mate, will try to be good.
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