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  • Thanks for your support mate. I can live with the fact we lost the final, but I'll never accept everyone mobbing up on the Dutch team. We did what we had to do and I'm proud of my countryman for giving it their all.
    Sorry for my belated reaction, but have been on my mobile until now.

    Nice to hear matey, can't believe the ignorance shown towards the Spaniards. Why is everyone trying to get up their arses. They did what they had to do, fair play to them, but two wrongs still don't make one right.
    Sorry mate, can't help you there. Could be, as there are many jews living in Amsterdam and surroundings.

    Thanks for you kind words, but I'll get over it. Can putmy time and effort into Everton again now.
    Well, it's more of being able to see yourself, rather than actualyl practising.

    Anyway, this conversation is totally pointless. I was only checking to see how you were doing.

    Yes, that is what I meant. Just throwing it out there
    Try practising in front of the mirror then :P
    Never underestimate the power of a nice smile. Mines crap. Good teeth, but poorly executed.

    It's ok, I misunderstood you. My fault entirely :L

    Grief, that girl. I'm going to have to talk about something else now, before I start stalking her.
    How so?? A nice girl coming onto you??
    Excellent. Going away is always ace, you find you like people you never thought you would.

    However, you do find your senses are blunted. I once only realised afterwards that a rather nice girl probably wanted to spend time with me on one trip (if that makes sense, i cant really explain it). Honestly.
    Anyway, as long as you're alright. x
    Yeah, everything's pretty good here.
    I'm just about finished for the year, so I've now got a few weeks to relax. I'm away a lot, so I doubt i'll be on GOT

    How was that camp anyway?
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