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  • I take it , No Joy , Son ,..???

    Do us a favour , Cocka . Find the number . If its UK give it to me . If its US . Will you please ask your Parents if its OK for you to call and chase them up . We DO NOT MIND waiting , but explain that this is the SECOND , supposedly RECORDED DELIVERY ITEM what HAS FUKN DISAPPEARED !!!
    Thus , IF they can locate it , we are good with hanging on . IF there's a problem ,.. Well , surely its better to attempt to locate same while the Trail is still warm ???

    I AM SO SORRY to bounce this on you , Boy .
    Apologise to your Ma' an' Da' for me , too Skywalker , ld .
    Ive sorta still got the stuff on me DVD Recorder H/D , but its currently bolloxed an' won't print discs , so , yes and no .
    I WANT you to have THIS one , FFS !!!

    Jeez , they CALL US Robbers !!! TWICE I have paid a decent fee to ENSURE FUKN DELIVERY , yet TWICE the Fukas HAVE STILL HAD IT OFF !!!
    ARE YOU FUKN SURE , lid ???

    I'm a tad irate , as no doubt you have ascertained , Son ,..We shall speak tomorra . PM me when you get back , kid - though if you DO SEE a UK tel' no , send it to me later today an' I'm GONNA SCREAM at some Mufuka ,..
    Ok , but IT ARRIVED IN THE US . THIS WE KNOW . Thats the 2nd one to do it , so if we get onto it straight away , we may just save it , rather than some pie-arse pilfering mufuka wearing your fukn Christmas present around his Trailer in Bose , Idaho , , tbh , Cocka , lid .

    If you don't mind - an' Im serious there , btw . Im getting MAD is all , Son . Not with you though , kid .
    Sorry , Cock' , but Monday , If NO SHOW , we do the Complaint thing . Please see what he web site says , Son . We may just be able to ring or some [Poor language removed] .

    Im gonna go POSTAL ( See what I did there ??? ) If its gone West again . Serious . The Disc alone was hours and hours and hours , and hours , and hours ,...

    If you don't mind , Boy .
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